General Terms
Please note the conditions below apply unless otherwise specified in the proposal. Any requested changes to these conditions may result in a variation to the quoted pricing.
- Core dna will insert no more than 20 HTML pages of text and 50 images. Images will only be resized and inserted as supplied. Text formatting will only encompass bolding, italicising, colouring, indenting, justifying, numbering and border formatting and table insertion. Further content insertion or manipulation will be charged at standard Core dna rate.
- Core dna’s Online hosting allows for 200 Mb of storage per website these allocations are normally sufficient to service the requirements for an Online solution however if additional storage is required please discuss with your Account Manager.
- Core dna will not provide connectivity to client databases or other systems, nor reproduce electronic forms.
- Core dna will only operate on Core dna’s hosting infrastructure. Content cannot be divorced from Core dna’s proprietary hosting service.
- All training will be conducted at Core dna’s premises unless otherwise specified. On-site training may incur a surcharge which will be quoted upon request.
- Output from the Service Enquiry and Visitor Feedback forms is transferred via email in plain text format. Database connectivity & storage or PDF generation are not provided.
- Secure Member Pages share the public website’s style-sheet and do not incorporate document management functionality. Document management functionality is provided by the File Manager module.
- The Core dna Editor cannot be used to make revisions that require modifying the style sheet. The style sheet design is created and set during the implementation phase of the proposal. If revisions are requested at a later stage, Core dna will provide a separate quote.
- Core dna will provide authoring of content at an additional cost. A website will not work without content relevant to the intended audience. Hopefully, you will have existing marketing materials that can be incorporated into the site (including graphics and text). If not, then we strongly urge you to carefully consider what content you wish to place on the site. Content provided by you should satisfy the following requirements:
- Content not exceeding 3MB in size should be forwarded to Core dna as attachments. For larger amounts of content, a series of emails will suffice or alternatively a CD-ROM may be sent.
- All content (excluding PDF files) should be provided in Microsoft Word format, and ordered in sequential order so that it conforms to the Site Structure document.
- Images should be inserted into a Microsoft Word document, so as to indicate the appropriate size and position for insertion. These images should also be supplied as separate files (of sufficient size and resolution) in either a jpg, bmp, or png format.
- PDF documents can be inserted into your site as hyperlinked files, but can only be displayed or downloaded in their entirety. Please be aware that textual content extracted from PDF files loses its formatting.