Frontend | Backend | Api

Users default templates (Backend)

This page contains an overview of the default templates for the Users module.

The overview is generated based on controllers using the specified template as their default layout and containing GET methods; thus depending on the configuration the controller might not use the template at all or other controllers might use the template too.
The table is only meant as a first orientation which ResponseVariables can likely be expected when working with the template.

File Controller GET Response variables GET Description
users/backend/authors/add.html Authors\Add
Name Type Description
author Author Single (empty) Author record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Add a new record. Assigns an empty record to the template.
users/backend/authors/edit.html Authors\Edit
Name Type Description
author Author Retrieved Author record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve a single record and display the edit page for the record
users/backend/authors/manage.html Authors\Manage
Name Type Description
authors Collection (Author) Collection of Authors
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve available records and assign them to the template for editing.
users/backend/groups/add.html Groups\Add
Name Type Description
group Group Single (empty) Group record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Add a new record. Assigns an empty record to the template.
users/backend/groups/edit.html Groups\Edit
Name Type Description
group Group Retrieved Group record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve a single record and display the edit page for the record
users/backend/groups/manage.html Groups\Manage
Name Type Description
groups Collection (Group) Collection of Groups
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve available records and assign them to the template for editing.
users/backend/login.html Login
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
user User Empty user model
localPasswordEnabled bool Is login via local password enabled?
enabledOAuthAuthenticators array List of enabled OAuth authenticators
Process GET request. Show login form.
users/backend/people/add.html People\Add
Name Type Description
person Person Single (empty) Person record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Add a new record. Assigns an empty record to the template.
users/backend/people/edit.html People\Edit
Name Type Description
person Person Retrieved Person record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve a single record and display the edit page for the record
users/backend/people/manage.html People\Manage
Name Type Description
people Collection (Person) Collection of People
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve available records and assign them to the template for editing.
users/backend/person-address-types/add.html PersonAddressTypes\Add
Name Type Description
personAddressType PersonAddressType Single (empty) PersonAddressType record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Add a new record. Assigns an empty record to the template.
users/backend/person-address-types/edit.html PersonAddressTypes\Edit
Name Type Description
personAddressType PersonAddressType Retrieved PersonAddressType record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve a single record and display the edit page for the record
users/backend/person-address-types/manage.html PersonAddressTypes\Manage
Name Type Description
personAddressTypes Collection (PersonAddressType) Collection of PersonAddressTypes
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve available records and assign them to the template for editing.
users/backend/users/add.html Users\AddAuthorUser
Name Type Description
user User Single (empty) User record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Add a new record. Assigns an empty record to the template.
users/backend/users/edit.html Users\Edit
Name Type Description
user User Retrieved User record
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve a single record and display the edit page for the record
users/backend/users/manage.html Users\Manage
Name Type Description
users Collection (User) Collection of Users
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper; allows displaying error messages from validation errors
Retrieve available records and assign them to the template for editing.