The "Public" and "Private" modules allow to host generic pages accessible with SEO-friendly URLs, which do not belong to any particular module, but host some block functions or slots. For example, the "private" module allows to create pages "behind-the-login", like My Account page, without any rewrite rules.
Faceted Search 3
The CatProduct class now supports getIndexData() and getIndexValue() methods which allow to access the Index data associated with this object. This has significant performance benefits, especially when the product has too many custom fields. If this is the case, it is much faster to access custom field values from the Index Data, rather than custom fields directly.
Improved logging on Sales Order Plugins (now available in Reports)
Improved logging for PayPal IPN (now available in Reports)
Fixed an issue with "Publish" switch on variants.
Fixed an issue with the widgets not being displayed when fetched by Id, rather than Category Id.
Fixed an issue with loading of categories on events