Frontend | Backend | Api

Documentation routes (Frontend)

Name Request Response variables Description

GET /docs/module/{module}/model/{model}/{abstraction}

module [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
model [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
abstraction [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
abstraction string Current abstraction
currentModule string Current module
currentModel string Current module
modules array Array with documented modules
root Page Root page
Show a page documenting a model

POST /docs/module/{module}/model/{model}/{abstraction}

module [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
model [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
abstraction [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Add a comment to a page

PUT /docs/module/{module}/model/{model}/{abstraction}

module [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
model [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
abstraction [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Change an existing comment

POST /docs/module/{module}/routes/{abstraction}

abstraction [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Add a comment to a page

PUT /docs/module/{module}/routes/{abstraction}

abstraction [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Change an existing comment

POST /docs/module/{module}/templates/{abstraction}

abstraction [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Add a comment to a page

PUT /docs/module/{module}/templates/{abstraction}

abstraction [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Change an existing comment

POST /docs/class/{class}/{abstraction}/{model}

class [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+(\\[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+)*
abstraction [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
model [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+(\\[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+)*
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Add a comment to a page

PUT /docs/class/{class}/{abstraction}/{model}

class [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+(\\[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+)*
abstraction [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+
model [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+(\\[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+)*
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Change an existing comment

GET /docs/global/{slug}

slug .*
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Show the page

POST /docs/global/{slug}

slug .*
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Add a comment to a page

PUT /docs/global/{slug}

slug .*
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Change an existing comment

GET /docs/page/{slug}

slug .*
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Show the page

POST /docs/page/{slug}

slug .*
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Add a comment to a page

PUT /docs/page/{slug}

slug .*
Name Type Description
_messages Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Messages Messages helper; used to retrieve messages from the controller
_currentSite Site Current site
_url Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Url URL helper; used to generate urls
_request Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Request Current HTTP request
_configuration Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Configuration Configuration helper; provides access to the site's configuration
__ Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Translator Translation helper; allows translating keys to text
_menu Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Response\Menu Menu helper; provides easy access to DXP defined menus
modules array Array with documented modules
abstraction string Current abstraction
page Page Page that is displayed
_validation Coredna\Kernel\Helper\Validation Validation helper
Change an existing comment