Sign in to Core dna

How to log in

The login for your site's administration is found under <YOUR_DOMAIN>/cdna-admin/

Password Reset

In the event that you have forgotten your password, you can click on the "Forgot your password" link to receive an email with password reset instructions. 


Upon login you will be presented with an administration dashboard. On the left hand side you will see the navigation for the various modules and their settings and configurations. 

In the middle of the panel there are updates on the latest features (and in the future platform notices and statistics). 

On the top right you can access your account by clicking on your name. Logging out is done via the Logout link. And this documentation is available by clicking on the question mark (?).

Inline help icons

Across the system additional inline help is available, you can read the contents of this help simply by hovering over each icon. 


While it is possible to edit settings for the displaying of content via the Admin Panel, it is not always the case that these changes will be propagated to the website (or JSON response). For webview in many cases the templates need to be updated to reflect changes, such as adding custom fields, changing layouts, etc. For API responses you may need to updated the requested fields. 


For questions, suggestions & feedback about the system please email