Instant Pay
- Instant Pay Setup
- Access Token
- Web Hook URL
- Core dna Setup
- Payment Setup
- Access Token
- Front End Integration
- Troubleshooting
Instant Pay is a payment gateway which accepts payments exclusively through bank transfers. When user checkouts with Instant Pay, they are redirected to an Instant Pay website with details on where to transfer their money.
Instant Pay Setup
Access Token
Sandbox & Live modes have separate access tokens. You will need to generate a new token when switching between live or sandbox mode.
Access tokens provide a way for Core dna to interact with Instant Pay. Once a token has been generated, they do not expire. Access tokens can be generated in the API page in your Instant Pay account. While here you should also take note of your clientId.
Web Hook URL
A web hook URL needs to be configured. This allows Instant Pay to notify when payments have been made. Enter the following URL in Settings & Security → Web Hooks:
https: //<your site>/index.php?action=prodcatalogueorder&form_name=instantpay_webhook |
Core dna Setup
Payment Setup
In Core dna DXP, go to Site Configuration → Payments. Add a new Payment. Your Client Id can be found in your Instant Pay account.
Access Token
Due to size constrains, the access token has to be stored in a separate location. Go to Site Maintenance → <your site> Edit. Add a new Metadata.
Type: Text
Name: InstantPay.AccessToken
Value: Access Token
Front End Integration
This payment gateway redirects to their own site, so there is no frontend integration.
Generally, first step should be to check the order audit log & transactions.
There is also web hook log. This records all requests from Instant Pay. It can be found in Reports. On the left, expand to the date you wish to view. The file will be named instantpay_webhook_<date>.log.