Frontend | Backend | Api



Method Description Returns
getPluralName() Get the plural name for the custom entity string
getPluralIdentifier() Get the plural identifier for the custom entity string
isRecordUrlAddressable() Check if an individual record can be accessed in the frontend bool
isListingUrlAddressable() Check if a listing of records can be accessed in the frontend bool
getListingUrl() Get the url for listing the records. Returns an empty string if the custom entity is not UrlAddressable, or if no listing path is defined. Otherwise, just returns the path for listing records in the current site. string
getId() int
getName() string
getIcon() string
getIdentifier() string
getPath() string
getRecordPath() string
getTemplate() string
isSited() bool
isUrlAddressable() bool
isSeoSettingsEnabled() bool
isPublishable() bool
isPositioned() bool
isCategorizable() bool
isTaggable() bool
getParent() Definition
getChildren() Collection (Definition)
getLayout() Layout
getSeoSettings() SeoSettings
getRecords() Collection (Record)
getRelationshipDefinitions() Collection (RelationshipDefinition)
isNewRecord() Check if the record is a new record bool
isHierarchicalModel() Check whether a model is a hierarchical model, i.e. can have children bool
isVersionedModel() Check whether a model is versioned bool