- Flexible developer environment to create and manage content across multiple channels
- Ability to create and deploy tailored customer experiences quickly
- Ability to learn, change and iterate direction quickly
- Share content programmatically with other systems
- Create workflows and recurring processes that communicate with the platform and other systems
- Advanced security provided by simple interactions through APIs
- Improved performance, ability to create static content and have websites that are fast
- Scale, ability to handle peaks and large volumes of website content from a single source
- Have flexibility that may require developer involvement
- Manual application management
- Out-of-the-box functionality may be limited
- Flexibility in the presentation layer can be limited
- Setup maybe be more complex in terms of structuring data types, components and layouts
- Some systems are missing admin/authoring capabilities with features like preview, analytics and permissioning
- Site control can be split amongst a number of content systems
- Personalization may require more development
- Analytics capabilities can be limited
** Many of the Cons above have been solved within the Core dna platform as we continue to provide hybrid support for the traditional authoring environment.
Read this next: Hybrid CMS: A Headless CMS, But With a Front-End