You already know there are over two million pieces of content published daily. But everywhere you turn, the numbers get worse. 60% of marketers are creating...
Content Marketing blogs - Page 3 of 4
Social media enables audience participation from far and wide. Philosophically, that’s a great thing for our democracy. Historically, business has taken advantage of closed...
Amazingly enough, before “growth hacking” was a thing, companies managed to grow and increase revenue and profitability all the time! Ignore the hype around “hacks”, which...
Did you know that roughly half of your customer interactions are multi-devices or multi-channel? For example; someone hears your ad spot on Spotify before doing a quick...
Does content marketing work for eCommerce businesses? It’s an interesting debate and one that many online entrepreneurs struggle to grasp. Selling products online is, for the...
Gartner has reported that marketing budgets are being slashed going into 2018. “Growth in marketing budgets has stalled after continued increases over recent years. The...
Those who succeed at doing content marketing tend to have a couple of things in common: They have a large audience already; these guys do the heavy lifting in amplifying...
Influencer marketing can either be an ingenious way to break through the noise or a complete waste of time and money. It all depends on your execution. The problem is that’s...
If you’re ready to embark on your digital transformation journey, but wondering what digital transformation means for you, then look no further. In this article, we’ll...
“Content marketing is all the marketing that’s left” – Seth Godin You’ve read downloaded a cornucopia of checklists, a gaggle of eBooks, went to a few conferences,...
You’ve heard of Snapchat. It’s for sexting right? That would have been a fair assessment 12-18 months ago, but it’s quickly earning respect as an essential brand marketing...
Zero to $90 million in under 5 years — That is the definition of scaling fast. Labeled as the “fastest growing watch brand” in the world by Forbes , MVMT (pronounced...
Omnichannel marketing sounds like a buzzword A clever growth hack to growth hack. But in reality, it’s anything but. It’s an evolution of consumer behavior. A seamless...
Undergoing a successful digital transformation is at the forefront of every organization’s list of priorities — and for a good reason. However, a successful, forward-thinking...
According to Garter Research “81% of enterprises have the equivalent of a chief marketing technologist looking after a rapidly growing marketing technology stack.” Marketing...
Over the last year, the message of bigger and better content has really taken off. It’s traveled around via a variety of monikers, such as Brian Dean’s “ skyscraper content ”...
Core dna is excited to be a nominated finalist in the Best Newbie Category at the 2016 MITX Awards . As judgement day looms, we thought we’d reminisce a little, dipping into...
Any eCommerce business will flourish with an inventory that is well managed. Having too many items in your inventory will increase your running costs. On the other hand, a...
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